11 号厅 | 展位 A19 - B20
Shibari 扶手椅象征着不仅存在于材质之间,也贯穿于人与人、文化以及整个地球之间的深层联结。
Visionnaire 揭幕其位于米兰的全新旗舰店,象征着重生与蜕变。其设计灵感源自通往 Agarthi 的神秘旅程。
在迈阿密设计周期间,Visionnaire 与《Galerie》杂志 共同举办了一场特殊的“早餐对话”。
Visionnaire洛杉矶直营店近日举办了Tom Ford精致香氛系列的独家发布会。
Visionnaire在香港上环区Soho House一楼重启品牌直营店。
Visionnaire 将于Design Miami 2024 首次亮相,呈现由 Draga & Aurel 打造的 Narrazioni Intrecciate 展览。这是一次激动人心将品牌展示在国际舞台上的机会,从而让艺术设计焕发出全新的维度与魅力。
Visionnaire 欣然宣布,Matteo Cibic 为全新 Nomad 系列设计的 Siona 吧台单元凭借其独特的创意与设计,荣获享有盛誉的 2024 Archiproducts 设计大奖。
Visionnaire 受邀与一众精选意大利设计品牌共同参与名为 “The Orbit’s Orbit” 的主题展览。此次展览将在Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai期间于位于上海的未来主义场地 ‘The Orbit’ 举办。
在Glue Amsterdam 设计展期间,Visionnaire将在位于Keizersgracht 651号的 Studio 23:23参展,此场合为Justine Kontou 策展的项目 ‘The NeuroAesthetic House’的正式亮相。该项目意于把空间打造成一场独特的感官体验,艺术、设计与科学在此交汇融合。
Visionnaire 将于 2024 年 9 月 1 日至 30 日参加在威尼斯 San Giorgio Maggiore 岛著名的 Fondazione Giorgio Cini 举办的 Homo Faber 艺术盛会。
Visionnaire 荣幸入选与一众精选意大利品牌共同参与享誉盛名的策展项目“意大利设计:从经典到当代”。该展览将于2024年9月5日至29日在纽约举行,由米兰国际家具展与Bloomingdale’s百货联合主办,著名建筑师Ferruccio Laviani 担纲策展,其灵感来源于Giorgio De Chirico 标志性的形而上学广场作品。
FOREL和FARO Alternative Investments 完成 Visionnaire 多数股权收购
Visionnaire 收藏系列书籍是灵感的一种来源,其特点是创新的印刷技术以及从经认证的供应链中精心挑选的材料和纸张。今年的收藏系列书籍中新增添了两个版本:Nomad 和 Timeless 2024。
我们非常荣幸地宣布创意总监 Eleonore Cavalli 在巴黎举办的 “Luxury: A world of engaged talents” 峰会上,荣获由Centre du Luxe et de la Création(奢侈品与创意中心)颁发的“Talent de l'Élégance”奖项。
9 号馆,L11-M06
Rho Fiera, 米兰 | 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Piazza Cavour 3, 米兰 | 10 am - 7 pm
Visionnaire用全新的数字沉浸式装置参加了开罗设计周,地点为在 Heliopolis 区的 Villa Magenta,一个专门展示意大利最为重要的设计品牌的独特空间。
2024 年 1 月 20 日至 28 日,Visionnaire 携 Sunseeker 的新款设计 Ocean 182号参加Düsseldorf 国际游艇展,并为其设计了特别的展示装置。Visionnaire 与海洋渊源已久,早与世界领先的造船厂合作超过 10 年。
2月29日至3月3日Frieze Art Los Angeles 艺术周期间,Visionnaire 在其位于洛杉矶 North Robertson Boulevard 144 的旗舰店中展出由创意总监Eleonore Cavalli 主导的"Lucente "艺术设计装置。"Lucente"灯光设计项目由艺术家兼设计师 Gupica 精心设计。
新一期《Visionnaire Around》重点介绍了在 2023 年米兰国际家具展上呈现的新 ‘‘Volare’’ 系列,以及2023 年米兰设计周期间在Visionnaire Design Gallery 中展出的基于 Studiopepe 设想的沉浸式装置: L'Impero dei Sensi。
Alessandro La Spada设计的 Zahara 边柜荣获声名远扬的Wallpaper*设计奖 2024 年"Gleam Team "类别。
在 Visionnaire 最新的户外广告中,您将踏上一段从平凡转为非凡的旅程。
10 月,Visionnaire 与 IACCW 意大利-美洲商会西洛杉矶分会合作举办了一场讲座。
Visionnaire 有幸宣布其Volare 新系列中的两款产品获得了望众瞩目的 2023 年建筑产品设计大奖(Archiproducts Design Awards)。
Private Sale. 探索由Michele Astolfi为您精心挑选的艺术品和地毯,拍下即可发货,折扣高达5折。
9 月,Visionnaire 与私人会员俱乐部 ‘’CORE: Milano" 合作举办了关于探讨传统艺术在多媒体和数字时代的演变的活动,并勾勒出了对这一非凡世界的新视野。
这艘名为 Here Comes The Sun 日出号的游艇,长达89米,专为拥抱阳光与海洋共舞而设计,游艇内包括从餐厅、休闲吧台到小型剧院、泳池及健身房等空间,提供全方位体验。
历年来Visionnaire 出版的收藏级目录书,采用创新的打印技术,并从合格供应商中精挑细选纸张与材质,每本目录都是满载灵感的奇珍宝箱。今年的收藏级目录书增订两个版本:Timeless 2023 永恒及 Volare翱翔。
让我们带您回到 6 月 28 日在 Visionnaire Bistrot 举办的“美食与电影之夜”(Gourmet Bites & Movie Night),一同走进优雅迷人的世界。当晚活动圆满举行,一众宾客尽情享用大厨 Filippo Gozzoli准备的精致佳肴。
积极关注身心方可好好享受居家生活,而将健身融入日常生活当中,则是实现身心健康的绝佳方式。Visionnaire 在本年度推出由Alessandro La Spada匠心设计的 Kloster 健身胶囊系列。
2023 年 6 月 15 日。我们在 Visionnaire Bistrot精心策划了用音乐与美馔交织而成的美妙交响乐之夜!特別嘉宾 Vhelade 发挥她迷人的嗓音和非凡的才华,为我们营造了一个难忘而魔幻的晚上。
我们很荣幸宣布 Visionnaire Bistrot餐厅,仅在开幕几个月之后,就受到餐饮界最具权威的米其林指南推荐。
在 2023 年米兰设计周期间,Visionnaire设计画廊举办了一场盛大晚宴,更邀请了众多来自世界各地的嘉宾出席。
Apollo Belvedere是Visionnaire第一个数字艺术(NFT)专案,在2022年4月正式上线,是进入Web3第三代网络时代,新创艺术及设计语言结合的代表。
2023米兰设计周将于4月17日至23日开展,设计周期间,Visionnaire 热诚邀请您前來参观全新的家具设计系列。
全新的 Visionnaire 单一品牌旗舰店,地点在华沙市精华荟萃的希鲁德梅希切区 (Śródmieście),占地三百平方米,座落在一栋于 1865 年建造的宏伟古典大楼内。
由 Alessandro La Spada 设计的 Leonardo 书架获得了2023年 Wallpaper* 设计奖的最佳卧房类(Best Sleeper Hits)奖项。
2023 新年开门红!
Visionnaire Bistrot 精品餐厅庆祝其盛大开幕,在来宾、美食、设计和音乐之间创造情感共鸣。现场的艺术表演和身临其境的音效设计使这一体验独特而难忘。
Draga & Aurel 设计的 Aries 赢得了2022年度 Archiproducts 设计奖 “家具” 类别。
Alessandro La Spada 设计的 Ca' Foscari 赢得了2022年 Archiproducts 设计奖 “可持续” 类别。
Visionnaire 最新一期杂志专门侧重于2022年的米兰家具展上发布的 Mythica 系列和 Apollo Belvedere——品牌的第一个 NFT 项目。该项目于2022年4月首次亮相,并准备参加迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展。
一个身临其境的装置——在这里,元奢侈和元宇宙在同一个地方相遇。该装置从11月28日到12月4日,每天上午10点到晚上9点在迈阿密 Visionnaire 展厅展出。
Visionnaire 向手工艺致敬,因为它是人类劳动和才能的最崇高表达方式之一,是创造力和艺术遗产的载体,它将历史转化为未来,将传统转化为创新,持续永恒的演变。
2008年,当 Visionnaire 选择在米兰原Cavour电影院内开设其米兰旗舰店时,品牌便将其规划成了一个艺术实验空间。在这里,人们可以触摸美、体验美、分享美。
新一年的 Visionnaire 收藏级产品目录终于到来:两部全新目录《Mythica》和《Dreams》已上线。
作为楚文化发祥地、中国历史最悠久的城市之一,武汉毫无疑问是品牌在华中地区的战略中心。这间全新 Visionnaire 展厅坐落于武昌区徐东大街38号欧亚达家居进口馆1楼,西临长江,背靠东湖,在核心商圈绽放精彩。
Timeless 是品牌最受喜爱的目录之一,不论是 Visionnaire 爱好者,还是想要沉浸在品牌极为广泛的可选产品之中、并深入了解品牌的家居理念的建筑/室内设计专业人士,都对它称赞有加。
作为2022年超级游艇设计节上的国际游艇组织的活动合作伙伴,Visionnaire 在米兰的 The Mall 布置了一个特别的会客空间,以展示品牌独一无二的设计手法。
Visionnaire 的项目 Darsena del Sale 被选为2022年 Architizer A+Awards 的建筑+水类别的大众选择奖。
Visionnaire 很荣幸地在2022年6月7日至12日的米兰国际家具展上推出 Mythica 和 Nature's Jewel Box 2022 系列。
A horizon of novelty for a young, evolving clientele. Starlight is the new capsule collection presented by Visionnaire to outline a metropolitan and emotional lifestyle.
Visionnaire continuously participates in international events related to arts and crafts and design.
Visionnaire NFT 在 Miart 第26届展览期间推出,表达了本品牌与先锋艺术的紧密联系和持续不断的对话。在与国际知名艺术家的 合作中,这个项目研究了非同质化代币(Non-Fungible Tokens) 所赋予室内设计奢侈品级市场中的创新的设计方法。
On March 8, 2022, the Arts Club Dubai hosted a private event called Art & Design Told by Women.
Timeless is the technical bible of Visionnaire containing the brands full collection. This year, the Timeless project has more interactive features and has been transformed into a real digital tool making your virtual experience more user friendly.
Dehors is the latest collectible book by Visionnaire to fully illustrate the brand's inexhaustible design inspiration. Visionnaire’s ability to interpret outdoor spaces is narrated through a new edition of the Dehors catalogue including 2021 outdoor collection and highlights of the “best of” outdoor products.
Apple floor lamp designed by m2atelier winner of 2022 Wallpaper* Design Awards, "Best Rock Stars" category
Protagonist at the Super Salone 2020 in Milan and winner of the Archiproducts Design Awards 2020, the Pavone now arrives in EXPO 2020 Dubai .
自2021年12月起,IPE集团旗下的Visionnaire公司,正式成为Benefit Company共益企业,以推动积极进取的基本价值观,做为业务发展的准则。
Visionnaire Around issue 1 is coming, the second volume of the editorial project dedicated to the brand lovers.
December 2021, Milan. Beauty Tales is not just a tale with a fifteenth-century atmosphere, but a reinterpretation of contemporary living, through a delicate photographic research that instills wonder.
今年,Visionnaire 在伦敦和迪拜开设了两家新的战略旗舰店,以其在全球各地的直营店肯定与祝贺品牌在市场上积极的步伐。
11月23日,Visionnaire 举办了迪拜 Embassy 的盛大开业典礼。这家新的旗舰店上下两层楼总面积近800平方米。
m2atelier 设计的 Basket 扶手椅获得了2021年度 Archiproducts 设计奖(户外类别)
在刚刚举办了切尔西港的伦敦品牌大使馆开业仪式之后,Visionnaire 马不停蹄地继续其国际版图的扩张和品牌直营店的投资计划,于11月23日在迪拜的朱美拉海滩路908号开设了 Visionnaire 迪拜门店。
Visionnaire 在伦敦著名的切尔西港设计中心内开设了一个全新的品牌大使馆。这是一个通过预约制进行定制设计服务的空间,于11月正式向公众亮相。
Visionnaire has opened its first store in Belgium, in the city of Brussels – thanks to a strategic partnership with the well-known premium furniture dealer D-Style Interior, a lifestyle meeting point and the theater of exclusive and private events for the most demanding clients.
We are honored to announce that the Lego low table and console designed by Draga&Aurel for Visionnaire have been selected for the ADI Design Index 2021.
An escape from monotony and boredom, a caprice of the heart – but above all of the imagination – Caprice is a collection that reminds us how important it is to live with passion, and a bit of nonchalance.
The Babylon Rack project – entirely designed by Alessandro La Spada, as the evolution of the iconic Babylon model – has been conceived as a work of modular mini-architecture, with many functional features for studying, working and relaxing.
During Milan Design Week, Visionnaire is unveiling a striking installation in its showroom named ‘Insulae’ designed by Marco Bonelli and Marijana Radovic – aka m2atelier – transforming the space into a new dimension in which architecture, nature and dreams take centre stage.
On the occasion of the Design Week in September 2021, Visionnaire participates to Alcova, the traveling Kermesse of the Fuorisalone conceived by Joseph Grima and Valentina Ciuffi in 2018 and dedicated to designers, artists, galleries and institutions united by a pioneering vision of the culture of design, innovation and experimentation.
A tribute to the long-term collaboration between two entrepreneurial realities with affinities of geography and vision. This is the central focus of the exhibition at the Visionnaire Wunderkammer during Design Week in Milan.
To conclude the Milan Design Week 2021, Visionnaire broadcasts on YouTube, Facebook and its own website a show full of contents about the brand on September 10th, 7pm Italian time.
On Thursday, June 17th Visionnaire unveiled two new capsules to the national and international press.
Eleonore Cavalli among the speakers of The Luxre webinar: The Luxury Rentals Event 2021 | 15, 16 May
Experience the new virtual tour of this 400 m² area on a single storey, where the linguistic codes of the last furniture collections have been interpreted by means of a careful calibration.
MIAMI, Florida Visionnaire is proud to announce the collaboration with Arte Surfside furnishing the most exclusive and desirable penthouse in Miami.
During the month of the International Day of Light, Visionnaire retraces the creative process of some lighting projects presented in the last year. Through these projects the brand expresses the intimate link between light, art and culture, enhancing the role of optical technology in the conservation of cultural heritage.
Visionnaire strives to protect the Oceans and their biodiversity, constantly threatened by climate change and human activities. The brand's desire to safeguard the natural heritage takes the form of vital awareness that informs and orients the brand’s cultural vision.
Milano Design City is back: an appointment with creativity, design and architecture to promote the city’s renewal, through events, digital meetings and phygital activities planned over two weeks from April 12th to 23rd. Visionnaire presents an interesting agenda of digital and phygital appointments up to the setting of a physical exhibition inside the Wunderkammer at the Visionnaire Design Gallery in Milan.
Nature is and will always be the greatest living artist, the utmost source of inspiration to produce beauty. Varieties of marble from various parts of the world, generated by complex metamorphic processes of stone, are the precious gems nature bestows on us, as its own exceptional works of art.
来体验品牌的米兰旗舰店的全新 VR 虚拟之旅吧!我们将引导您参观 Visionnaire 经过多年的转变、逐渐成为纯粹表达其自身家居哲学的米兰展厅,感受一种真正的生活方式展览。
This year the Timeless project brings two new features. The catalogue, now a collectible book, has been released with a limited edition cover in two color variants.
On January 27th and February 4th, Visionnaire Moscow presented the Beauty collection through two events.
Admeto low table designed by Marco Piva winner of 2021 Wallpaper* Design Awards, Best Curves category
加州比弗利山 – 2020 年 11 月 25 日 – 由世界知名建筑师马岩松领衔的 MAD 建筑事务所在美国的首个项目—— “山丘庭院”今天宣布,将与意大利生活美学设计品牌 Visionnaire 合作,共同为“山丘庭院”提供全套精装解决方 案,打造其空中别墅、联排别墅或花园公寓,让住户真正享受拎包入住的居住体验。同时,“山丘庭院”也在今 天首次公布了 Visionnaire 为客户精心设计的装饰和家具,更全面展示了这座旨在以当代笔触重塑比弗利山居 住意境的全新社区。
Mercury 是雕塑家 Rito Valla 于 1961 年为 IPE 设计的扶手椅和沙发样式,现经 Visionnaire 的重新演绎 限量回归,该产品即将在 1stDIBS(网址:www.1stdibs.com)上发售。
We’re truly glad to announce that IL PAVONE designed by Marc Ange for Visionnaire has conquered the jury for its concept and design and it results Winner of the 2020 Archiproducts Design Awards in the Furniture category!
Three new catalogs have been presented by Visionnaire to fully illustrate the brand's inexhaustible design inspiration. From the creation of the Beauty collection to the conception of one-of-a-kind projects all around the world, Visionnaire embraces the whole design process, approaching all architectural scales from the design of single housing unit down to even the smallest details, always offering a unique proposal. All volumes are “collectable books” finished with high quality materials and sustainable papers.
Visionnaire首度成为『设计上海』合作伙伴,即将于11月26至29日在上海世博展览馆内的精典设计馆L101展 厅登陆。该品牌将首次在国际展会上展示其全新Beauty系列。
Among the initiatives of Milano Design City, an urban event dedicated to design from September 28th to October 10th, Open-door phisical event in Visionnaire Design Gallery.
Visionnaire reinforces its foreign operations with a new monobrand showroom in China, in the city of Taizhou.
A hymn to Italianness but also to its ability to understand and interpret the "Genius Loci " of each new project and place, in a moment in which we increasingly desire to feel united and renew the link with our own cultural roots.
Beauty is a word with an intense, multifaceted meaning. Besides indicating an outlook of positive energy and hope, the contemporary beauty narrated by Visionnaire sums up an attitude, that of creating extraordinary, unique projects and objects.
Visionnaire presents the new Beauty 2020 collection during the Digital Design Week through 3 Live broadcasts on 17-18-19 June 2020 on the official social platforms of the Brand (Instagram, Facebook and YouTube) starting at 10:30 am (Rome GMT + 2).
Archmarathon Awards 2020, the international contest dedicated to the World of architecture and interior design in North, Central, South America and Caribbean, debuted with a cocktail party at Visionnaire Flagship Store in Miami.
Visionnaire Around is an editorial project dedicated to the Brand lovers. The “zero" edition is dedicated to 2019, the year of the double anniversary, sixty-year of IPE and fifteen years of its brand Visionnaire.
Visionnaire reconfirms its partnership with Baglietto on the occasion of the Miami Boat Show 2020
How to design interiors engaging the user in meaningful ways? A way to do that is by designing spaces to activate the five basic senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
After its debut during Miami Art Basel, the Pavone Throne, designed by Marc Ange for Visionnaire, continues its journey.
Debuting at the Visionnaire showroom during Design Miami and Art Basel, The Garden of Beauty exhibit featured Il Pavone, a capsule collection designed by artist and designer Marc Ange.
To celebrate the Visionnaire Anniversary in Shanghai, on November 21st there was an Anniversary Gala Dinner, by invitation only, for the press, the best clients and institutional representatives.
Visionnaire celebrates a dual anniversary in the far east: renewed participation at the fourth edition of I Saloni Milano.Shanghai.
Fauna vase winner of Archiproducts Design Awards 2019
Visionnaire is one of the sponsors of the Altagamma conference 2019.
Visionnaire has opened its first embassy in October, choosing Hong Kong as a strategic hub to monitor and optimize design opportunities in the APAC region.
Visionnaire this year received press and partners in the Italian Embassy in Moscow.
Visionnaire together with Baglietto, presents an exclusive project at the MYS.
The setting for the new Visionnaire campaign, which will appear in magazines and digital channels all over the world as from September 2019, is Villa Arconati.
Visionnaire & Rolls Royce Motor Cars collaborate to showcase luxury and excellence during Monterey Car Week 2019 in Pebble Beach.
Visionnare joined Bentley at the home of Jess and Gunnar Peterson in Beverly Hills, California.
Designing “culture of dwelling” and “culture of living” is the Visionnaire mission.
The company confirms its ability to come to terms with one-of-a-kind projects, also in the nautical sector.
Visionnaire Los Angeles celebrates Leopold Cavalli’s visit in Los Angeles with an intimate gathering for 20 Architects and Interior Designers.
NATALIA TIMASHEVA - Digital time design
An original narrative path that translates into an Art-Design lexicon: the new accessories collection by Visionnaire made its debut in Milan during the 58th Salone del Mobile.
LEO SUN - Back to the future
Interior Project by Claudio Nardi in celebration of LuisaViaRoma’s 90th Anniversary Florence, 12 June 2019
FELIX BURRICHTER - Visionnaire Vision
On Sunday May 19th, in occasion of ICFF New York, Visionnaire welcomed a group of Architects, Interior Designers, and Design Editors for an intimate celebration.
The path to sustainable growth
A new accessories capsule is created as a corollary to the Anniversary collection.
The year 2019 is one of anniversaries for IPE-Visionnaire: the mother company IPE was founded 60 years ago, while Visionnaire, its exclusive brand, is celebrating its 15th birthday.
Abonos, a wood of fluvial origin from renewable sources, characterized by particular sediments that make it unique. A uniqueness that is reflected in every single trunk, which narrates a millennial story through peculiarities generated from water fossilization.
We are proudly starting this year by winning the iconic Dream Factory Award by Wallpaper*, with the Marty Console, design Marco Piva.
Enjoy the gallery of the eighth date of "The Italian Flair".
Enjoy the gallery of the seventh date of "The Italian Flair".
Enjoy the gallery of the sixth date of "The Italian Flair".
Enjoy the gallery of the fifth date of "The Italian Flair".
Before a star studded crowd of hundreds of movers and shakers from Los Angeles’s design and real estate worlds, Visionnaire celebrated the much anticipated grand opening of the Los Angeles Flagship showroom.
We are proud to announce that, this year, we have been chosen as winners of six different prestigious Awards.
Nature and its colours as the stars of the show, craftsmanship as the core value, inspired by a stunning mix of Italian style and Oriental vibes.
Visionnaire presents a selection of the new collection most representative pieces at the Salone del Mobile Milano Shanghai (22-24 Nov - Exhibition Center), a special edition of the italian event dedicated to the Chinese market, with the top national brands of luxury furniture and contemporary design.
Enjoy the gallery of the third date of "The Italian Flair".
Enjoy the gallery of the second date of "The Italian Flair".
The new format of events that Visionnaire is organizing with its partners in Europe, Asia and America started from Moscow.
The Salone del Mobile Milano Moscow (October 10 - 13), during which Visionnaire presented a selection of the new collection most representative pieces, has just ended, as well as the traditional Moscow Press Day, held every year to pay tribute to journalists and Visionnaire in Moscow.