晚宴及 Vhelade 现场表演
晚宴及 Vhelade 现场表演
2023 年 6 月 15 日。我们在 Visionnaire Bistrot精心策划了用音乐与美馔交织而成的美妙交响乐之夜!特別嘉宾 Vhelade 发挥她迷人的嗓音和非凡的才华,为我们营造了一个难忘而魔幻的晚上。 宾客在美妙的音乐中品尝美酒佳肴,现场洋溢着欢乐热闹的气氛。

由主厨 Filippo Gozzoli 亲自主理的 Collezione Estate 品尝菜单,加上 Vhelade 醉人的歌声,让晚宴宾客体验独特难忘的曼妙好时光。

Vhelade, daughter of a Sardinian mother and Zairean father, was born in Milan and from an early age showed an innate passion for ballet, solfeggio and piano. In her teens, she developed her soulful soul and began her singing career in an American touring gospel group. The intersection of the best black tradition and Mediterranean influences earned her a robust, booming voice, which explicitly recalls the sound of Stevie Wonder and Miles Davis, but also the pop rhythms of Michael Jackson. Immediately after gaining her own artistic autonomy, alongside Chiambretti, she formed her first blues band and collaborated with several musicians from the Italian and European underground music scene, giving life to a number of experimental projects. At the same time she launched a research and experimentation project in the field of electronic music, a genre that animated the Dinner Live Show at Visionnaire Bistrot.