
在 Visionnaire 最新的户外广告中,您将踏上一段从平凡转为非凡的旅程。您就是旅行者,穿梭于超越想象的风景中,唤起宁静与惊奇之感。
Kerwan 圆桌是我们新系列中的瑰宝--它融合了意想不到的几何形状,将户外美学完美地融为一体。底座弧度这个内在的特点,为作品增添了一份优雅动感的气息。
As you welcome Pavone into your outdoor space, prepare to be captivated by a piece that embodies the transformative power of beauty in the world of design. Pavone, a testament to the enchanting allure of the peacock, stands as an ode to the romantic and seductive beauty of this magnificent creature. Remarkably, the peacock lacks natural weapons for self-defense, choosing instead to unveil its tail in the face of danger, a symbolic emblem of its extraordinary beauty.

Kathryn 这份品牌的标志性作品之一,其灵感来源于木质贝壳的复杂美感, 一种隐藏在精致表皮下的力量隐喻。这款设计抓住了贝壳的精髓,展示了坚韧与精致的双重性。
As you traverse through these fantastical landscapes, let your mind wander and imagine the endless scenarios where Visionnaire's products seamlessly complement the surroundings.
The Revenge dining table is recognized by a particular mosaic top, an intricate composition featuring five distinct types of marbles. These marbles, available in enchanting shades, are artfully arranged, creating a visual symphony of colours and textures.

Eleonore Cavalli,
Visionnaire 户外系列的魅力超越了传统设计的束缚,让您直达无限创意的领域,创造属于您自己的世外桃源。
让自己沉浸在 Visionnaire 户外产品的精湛工艺和现代设计中。每一件产品都经过精心设计,旨在提升您的空间档次,从而模糊室内和室外生活的界限。