Discover a careful selection of artworks by Michele Astolfi
and carpets in stock and ready to be shipped
at up to 50% off.
Visionnaire 崇尚手工艺并将其视为人类劳动和才能的最高表现形式之一,是可包含创造力和见证艺术的一种载体,通过将历史转化为未来,将传统转化为创新的方式,从而达到卓越永恒。
Michele Astolfi 的艺术作品是手工艺术的体现。他的作品超越了单纯的艺术表达,散发出一种真实而和独有的个性。
Born in Bologna, he completed his studies in Italy, Switzerland, the United States and Paris. Passionate about photography and digital processing, he experiments with the combination between the image and different materials. Since 2008 he has produced artworks exclusively for Visionnaire.
The artist uses fossil wood, crystals, natural stone and steel to create a modern and poetic aesthetic. His artworks are inspired by nature, they are rich, beautiful and highly spiritual.
Visionnaire 同时还展示了一系列可供选择的地毯,它们不仅是覆盖地面的物体,更是一种品味的体现,对传统的致敬以及对舒适生活方式的投资。踏上此次选择奢华地毯的旅程,从而让您的地板成为一个无与伦比的画布。