Chroma is a reflection on colour. A colour lives and is exalted by means of “Cattedrale”, a glass used for the realization of artistic windows, in particular by the ecclesiastic medieval architecture.
In occasion of Cersaie 2016 (26 September - 22 November 2016) Visionnaire is pleased to present the exhibition CHROMA by the art collective CaCO3. Chroma is a reflection on colour. A colour lives and is exalted by means of “Cattedrale”, a glass used for the realization of artistic windows, in particular by the ecclesiastic medieval architecture. A mosaic of artworks, named serially “Cattedrale”, are placed at the centre of the deconsecrated church of San Damiano in Bologna, today Visionnaire’s showroom. The works of art displayed in their sequence are meant to reproduce the numerical relations of Fibonacci, creating a composition engaged in a dialogue with the surrounding, inviting the viewer to discover different points of view. These works amplify the symbiotic relation between the different stratification of a mosaic: as in the medieval windows the light travels through the transparency of the glass, transfiguring it, likewise in these works the colour of mortars crossing the transparent stained glass melts with it under the eye of the observer, overcoming the boundaries of the cracking space in which is traditionally relegated.

For us Beauty is something which has to do with simplest life events, the transformation of the matter in a continuous research for equilibrium.
The group CaCO3 was founded in 2006 by three artists with heterogenous paths, Âniko Ferreira da Silva, Giuseppe Donnaloia and Pavlos Mavromatidis, who, after having shared a formative experience at the “Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico” (School for Mosaic Preservation) in Ravenna, developed a deeper curiosity for the mosaic language. The chemical formula for calcium carbonate or limestone, the name CaCO3 refers to one of the raw materials commonly used for the realization of manufactured mosaics, revealing explicitly the core value which materials have in the group’s research.
“For us Beauty is something which has to do with simplest life events, the transformation of the matter in a continuous research for equilibrium”.

The group CaCO3 was founded in 2006 on the initiative of three artists, Aniko Ferreira da Silva, Giuseppe Donnaloia and Pavlos Mavromatidis, after having shared the experience of training at the "School for the Restoration of Mosaics" in Ravenna. Chemical formula of calcium carbonate, or limestone, the name CaCO3 refers to a raw material commonly used for the realization of the mosaics. The study and practice of traditional technique and the direct contact with the mosaic works of the past, made possible during the years of study and work experience in restoration sites, contributes to the sharing of a common reflection on the formal aspects of the mosaic and their elaboration, aimed at finding new possible relationships between light and matter.