Visionnaire collectible books are a source of inspiration, characterized by innovative printing techniques and careful selection of materials and papers from certified supply chains. This year’s collectible books have been enriched with two new editions: Nomad and Timeless 2024.

Let your imagination soar with the Nomad catalogue, dedicated to our 2024 collection.“Nomad ” is the new design concept that Visionnaire presented at Salone del Mobile Milano 2024. It is the destination reached after a long journey - or after many journeys - to celebrate the brand’s twentieth anniversary, always dedicated to achieving the most exclusive sartorial lifestyle.

Appreciated by the brand lovers and professionals, Timeless 2024 is an interactive project available in digital and printed versions. A navigable book, in which each product includes the technical descriptions and drawings, accompanied with a photo gallery. Every page is clickable to land on the website catalogue, thus expanding the possibilities for in-depth analysis through videos and photo galleries.

Our brand believes in delivering an exceptional experience in every aspect, including the materials for the collectible books. The Nomad volume combines different kinds of papers. The most particular detail is the cover's book jacket, decorated with multilevel embossing and with a special paper that has a similar tactile feel to some of the finishes on the 2024 stand, Gmund Urban Cement Powder. Arctic Volume White paper, characterized by a unique optical white that allows you to fully experience the variety of Visionnaire's colors and range of materials.

Visionnaire collectible books are certified with FSC™ Forest Stewardship Council™ FSC-C147146 Certification and the PEFC (PEFC 18-31-1067) Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification. The brand continues its path of sustainable growth: direct and indirect emissions, produced by the creation of Timeless catalogue, have been neutralized with carbon credits (VCS certified - Verified Carbon Standard). The brand supports a new forest conservation project in Indonesia, the “Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project,” located in Central Kalimantan - the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo.