Visionnaire pays tribute to crafts as one of the loftiest expressions of the labor and talents of humankind, a vehicle of creativity and legacy of art, to transform history into future, tradition into innovation, sustaining the eternal evolution of excellence. The brand has developed its business model around the concept of meta-luxury, namely the pursuit of uniqueness and excellence as well as the refinement of materials and forms, supporting a productive network of crafts districts found in various regions, across the entire territory of Italy.
Each workshop – embodying the highest levels of a particular creative technique – brings maximum sartorial quality to our artifacts, existing in profound synergic balance with its territory, conducting in-depth research on the most sophisticated raw materials and their workmanship, all the way to the tangible experience of manufacture. Our master artisans put passion and skill into the making of unique objects – the result of an authentic labor of love and taste – which can be passed down across generations, bearing witness to the pursuit of beauty and perfection.
A benefit company since 2021, Visionnaire defines its mission as the promotion of positive values for the community, and sets out in its business activities to generate one or more positive outcomes – or the reduction of negative effects – in relation to people, communities, territories and the environment.

Visionnaire, which has recently been assigned the title of “master artisan” in the person of Eleonore Cavalli – co-founder and art director of the brand – has in turn nominated a crafts district for the MAM - Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere award organized by Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, in collaboration with ALMA, the International School of Italian Cuisine. The district nominated by Visionnaire – specialized in working with marble – has won the award dedicated to excellent Master Artisans operating in 23 different categories of arts and crafts: from ceramics to jewelry, woodworking to furnishings, metals to machinery, mosaics to leatherwork, artistic printing and restoration, textiles to theater crafts… all the way to the professions of taste and hospitality. MAM sets out to pay homage to the many “intelligent hands” that shape the “great beauty” that runs from north to south, across the whole national territory, making us feel like heirs to the great lessons of the Renaissance and its peerless cultural and human legacy.
The brand invests in the development and protection of Italian crafts know-how and the creative talent of master artisans, through material and immaterial investments in its own workshops. On the one hand, the firm conducts research on productive efficiency, modernization of equipment, and the development of manufacturing practices for lower environmental impact. On the other, we engage our artisans on a human level, involving them in cultural initiatives, rewards and benefits in relation to their work.